Thursday, December 15, 2011

Predictions in the Quran?

Ali, there are so many people who thinks like stein. you know being a muslim ı am tired of explaining that the life of muslims at this time is not what quran advise. The way christians today are not representing their religion well enough too. They keep talking osama bin ladin. ı wonder what were they talking about before 11/9. Do we tell them that christianity is a ually perverted religion because there are few church fathers who take advantage of little boys. they do not represent christians just like some terrorist muslims do not represent quran. to day there is no good public or even a group who represent islam well. You use name ali so ı thought maybe you are shia. if you are, first we should stop this things shia/sunni. we should live in peace. christians are also killing eachother for years and they killed so many unchristians during the the Crusades. how funny they killed lots of people because of their religion and now they talk about quran even they dont know it in detailed.


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